2022 한국해사주간 개최...'뉴노멀 시대의 국제해사분야 도전과 과제’


배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2022/09/20 [21:25]

2022 한국해사주간 개최...'뉴노멀 시대의 국제해사분야 도전과 과제’


배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2022/09/20 [21:25]


▲ 2022한국해사주간 포스트  © 배종태 기자


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 2022 한국해사주간(Korea Maritime Week)’ 행사가 21~ 23일  부산 기장군 아난티 힐튼 호텔에서  개최된다.

‘한국해사주간’은 국제해사분야의 주요 현안을 국내외 학자와 기업인 등 다양한 해사분야 전문가들과 논의하고 미래 대응 전략을 모색하는 국제컨퍼런스다.

지난 2007년부터 매년 해양수산부가 운영하고 있다. 그동안 한국해사주간을 통해 항만미세먼지와 온실가스 배출 감소, 대체연료 전환 및 친환경 선박 개발 등 국제사회와 다양한 논의가 진행됐다.

올해 한국해사주간은 ‘뉴노멀 시대의 국제해사분야 도전과 과제’를 주제로 운영된다. 행사는 송상근 해양수산부 차관, 임기택 국제해사기구(IMO) 사무총장, 테레사(Ms. THERESA B. DIZON-DE VEGA) 주한 필리핀 대사, 가삼현 조선해양플랜트 협회장, 김종덕 한국해양수산개발원 원장, 도덕희 한국해양대학교 총장 등이 참석하는 ▲‘국제해사 고위급 특별좌담’을 시작으로 ▲개회식(오전 10시) ▲4개의 전문가 세션 ▲1개의 특별 세션이 열린다.

전문가 세션에서는 ▲탈탄소, 미래연료 등 해사분야 기후위기 대응 ▲해양환경 관련 현안 및 전망 ▲자율운항선박 기술개발 현황 ▲바다 내비게이션 서비스 등 해양디지털에 대한 발표와 토론이 진행될 예정이다. 특별세션에서는 우리나라와 국제해사기구간 기술협력사업 20주년을 기념하는 국제해사기구 사무국 직원 등의 발표가 진행된다.

이번 한국해사주간에는 개발도상국과 군소도서국 등 13개국의 선박 온실가스 감축 담당자를 초청해 우리나라 해운 분야의 탄소저감 기술과 친환경 선박 등을 견학할 수 있는 교육프로그램을 운영한다.

13개 참여국가는 앙골라, 방글라데시, 베냉, 코모로, 도미니카, 자메이카, 라이베리아, 마다가스카르, 몰디브, 세인트빈센트그레나딘, 솔로몬제도, 트리니다드 토바고, 바누아투 등이다.

아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. <*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


The 2022 Korea Maritime Week event will be held at the Ananti Hilton Hotel in Gijang-gun, Busan from the 21st to the 23rd.


‘Korea Maritime Week’ is an international conference that discusses major issues in the international maritime field with various maritime experts, including domestic and foreign scholars and businessmen, and seeks future response strategies.


It has been operated by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries every year since 2007. During the Korea Maritime Week, various discussions were held with the international community, such as reducing port fine dust and greenhouse gas emissions, switching to alternative fuels, and developing eco-friendly ships.


This year's Korea Maritime Week is run under the theme of 'Challenges and Tasks in the International Maritime Sector in the New Normal Era'. The event was held with Sang-Geun Song, Vice Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, IMO Secretary-General Ki-Taek Lim, Philippine Ambassador to Korea Ms. THERESA B. DIZON-DE VEGA, Sam-hyeon Ga, President of Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association, Jong-deok Kim, President of Korea Maritime and Fisheries Development Institute, Do-hee Doh, Korea Maritime. Starting with the ▲ 'High-level International Maritime Special Discussion' attended by the university president and others, ▲ the opening ceremony (10 am) ▲ 4 expert sessions ▲ 1 special session will be held.


In the expert session, presentations and discussions will be held on maritime digital such as ▲ response to climate crises in the maritime sector, such as decarbonization and future fuels, ▲ current issues and prospects related to the marine environment, ▲ technology development for autonomous ships, and ▲ ocean navigation services. In the special session, presentations will be made by staff of the International Maritime Organization secretariat, etc. to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the technical cooperation project between Korea and the International Maritime Organization.


During this Korea Maritime Week, officials from 13 countries, including developing countries and small island countries, will be invited to run an education program to see carbon reduction technologies and eco-friendly ships in Korea's shipping sector.


The 13 participating countries are Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Comoros, Dominica, Jamaica, Liberia, Madagascar, Maldives, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Vanuatu.

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