부산시자치경찰위, 2024년치안리빙랩 참가자 공모

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2024/02/28 [15:56]

부산시자치경찰위, 2024년치안리빙랩 참가자 공모

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2024/02/28 [15:56]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산시자치경찰위원회와 부산디자인진흥원은 다음달 22일까지 '부산자치경찰 치안리빙랩 사업'의 참가자를 모집한다.


이번 공모는 시민이 직접 참여하여 부산만의 특색있는 주민 맞춤형, 생활밀착형 치안 시책을 발굴하여 실험․연구 과정을 통해 치안 문제를 해결하기 위해 마련됐다.


부산에 거주하는 시민과 단체는 물론 부산경찰청(경찰서), 구·군, 부산 소재 대학 산학협력단 등 유관기관도 참여할 수 있으며, 3인 이상의 팀을 구성해 신청하면 된다.


신청 접수는 3월 15일부터 3월 22일까지이며, 참가희망자의 이해를 돕기 위해 3월 7일 오후 3시 부산디자인진흥원 세미나실에서 사업설명회를 개최한다.


'치안리빙랩 사업'은 위원회에서 2022년 전국 최초로 추진한 치안 시책 발굴 사업으로, 공동체 구성원들이 직접 치안 행정에 참여하여 지역 치안 문제를 해결하는 아이디어 공모 사업이다.


수행계획서 등을 1차 평가하여 10여 개 팀을 선정하고, 2차 인터뷰 심사를 통해 최종 4~6개 팀을 최종 선정하여 실험과 연구 과정을 진행하면서 전문가 멘토링, 연구과제 컨설팅, 유관기관 자문 등 활동을 지원하며, 과제 수행에 필요한 활동비도 지급한다.


공모 과제는 생활안전, 여성·청소년, 교통 등 자치경찰 사무와 관련된 내용으로, 개선 과제를 도출하고 문제해결을 위한 아이디어를 제시하면 된다.


한편, 지난해 '치안리빙랩 사업'에는 10개 팀의 다양한 과제가 접수됐고, 실험과 연구 등을 통해 5개 사업 과제(▲북부경찰서의 청소년 흡연 구역을 중심으로 청소년 비행 선도 예방 ▲경성대학교의 안전한 등굣길 동행 ▲부산외국어대학교의 장애인 등 사회적 약자 보호를 위한 LED 주차장 ▲해운대경찰서의 재개발 지역 등 공·폐가 출입 예방 스티커 개발 ▲부산진경찰서의 어린이 공원 환경개선)를 발굴하여 시책으로 추진했다.


2022년 '치안리빙랩 사업'에는 22개 팀의 과제가 접수됐고, 그 중 3개 사업 과제를 발굴했다. 특히, '중고 거래 안심존'은 시민들의 호응이 좋아 정책사업으로 추진하여, 2022년에 2개소, 2023년에 4개소를 설치했고, 올해 3개소를 추가 설치하여 시민들이 안심하고 편리하게 중고 물품을 거래할 수 있도록 했다.


치안리빙랩 참가자 모집과 관련한 자세한 사항은 (재)부산디자인진흥원 누리집(www.dcb.or.kr)에서 확인하거나, 부산디자인진흥원 도시공공디자인팀으로 문의하면 된다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'.


The Busan Metropolitan Autonomous Police Committee and the Busan Institute of Design Promotion are recruiting participants for the ‘Busan Autonomous Police Public Safety Living Lab Project’ until the 22nd of next month.


This contest was designed to solve public security problems through experimentation and research by directly involving citizens in discovering Busan's unique, resident-tailored, life-friendly security policies.


Citizens and organizations living in Busan, as well as related organizations such as the Busan Police Agency (police station), districts, counties, and university-industry cooperation groups in Busan, can participate. All you need to do is form a team of three or more people and apply.


Applications will be accepted from March 15th to March 22nd, and a business information session will be held at the Busan Design Promotion Institute's seminar room at 3pm on March 7th to help those wishing to participate.


The 'Policy Living Lab Project' is a public security policy discovery project promoted by the committee for the first time in the country in 2022, and is an idea contest project in which community members directly participate in public security administration to solve local security problems.


Approximately 10 teams are selected through the first evaluation of the implementation plan, etc., and 4 to 6 teams are finally selected through the second interview screening, and the experiment and research process is carried out, while providing expert mentoring, research project consulting, and consultation with related organizations, etc. Activities are supported, and activity expenses necessary to carry out tasks are also paid.


The contest tasks are related to autonomous police affairs, such as life safety, women and youth, and transportation. All you have to do is draw improvement tasks and present ideas to solve problems.


Meanwhile, last year's 'Policy Living Lab Project' received various tasks from 10 teams, and through experiments and research, 5 project tasks were completed (▲ Preventing youth delinquency with a focus on youth smoking areas at the Northern Police Station ▲ Safe safety management at Kyungsung University) ▲Busan University of Foreign Studies' LED parking lot for the protection of the socially underprivileged, such as the disabled ▲Haeundae Police Station's development of stickers to prevent entry into vacant and abandoned houses such as redevelopment areas ▲Busanjin Police Station's improvement of children's park environment) were discovered and promoted as policies.


Projects from 22 teams were accepted for the 2022 ‘Policy Living Lab Project’, and three project tasks were identified among them. In particular, the 'Secured Used Trade Zone' was well-received by citizens and was promoted as a policy project, with two locations installed in 2022 and four locations in 2023, and three additional locations installed this year to allow citizens to purchase used goods safely and conveniently. was made available for trading.


For further details regarding the recruitment of participants for the Public Safety Living Lab, please check the Busan Design Promotion Agency website (www.dcb.or.kr) or contact the Busan Design Promotion Agency Urban Public Design Team.


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