특히, 이번 조사에서 유명 맛집 또는 대형음식점에서도 식자재의 원산지를 속이거나 조리장소를 비위생으로 관리하다 적발돼 주의가 필요하다.
부산시특별사법경찰과는 지난 5월 한 달간 120여 곳을 대상으로 특별단속을 벌인 결과, ▲식품안전관리인증기준(HACCP) 허위표시(2곳) ▲식용으로 부적합한 식용란 판매 및 제조 목적 보관․사용(2곳) ▲소비기한 경과 제품의 제조·판매 목적 보관(3곳) ▲원산지 거짓 표시(3곳) ▲심각한 위생불량(1곳) ▲무허가 및 무신고 영업행위(4곳) 등 총 15곳의 업소에서 불법행위를 적발했다고 밝혔다
A식육가공업체와 B식육포장처리업체의 경우 지난해 5월경부터 주문량이 많아지자, 관련 허가를 받지 않은 C업체에 양념육과 포장육 생산을 불법으로 위탁했고, 생산 제품의 식품안전관리인증기준(HACCP)등 표시사항 일체를 A와 B업체로 허위 표시해 집단급식소 등에 납품해 적발됐다. 이들업체는 이러한 수법으로 총 15톤(싯가 1억7천만 원)의 부당이득을 취한 것으로 나타났다.
또, 제조 및 관리의 위생상태, 소비기한이 지난 원료 사용 여부 등에서 불법행위를 저지른 케이크류 취급 업소도 대거 적발됐다.
케이크류 제조가공업체인 K업소는 달걀 껍데기에 산란일과 고유번호 등의 표시사항이 없고, 식용으로 부적합한 깨진 달걀로 빵류를 제조·가공해 판매·보관하다 적발됐다. 이 불량 달걀은 K업소가 식용란수집판매업소인 M업체로부터 상대적으로 가격이 저렴한 달걀을 납품받은 것으로, 이 중 일부를 제조·가공해 판매했다.
케이크류 제조가공업체인 S업소의 경우 소비기한이 7개월이나 지난 치즈 등 식재료 5종을 제조·가공 목적으로 보관하다 적발됐다. 또한, D제과점은 관할 구청에 신고하지 않고 무허가로 케이크 등 빵류를 가공해 판매하다가 적발됐다.
이외에도, 식자재의 원산지를 속이거나 조리장소를 비위생으로 관리한 업소들도 대거 적발됐다. 이들 업소 중 5곳이 시민들이 믿고 찾았던 유명 맛집 또는 대형음식점이다.
적발된 음식점 중 3곳은 고춧가루나 돼지고기의 원산지를 거짓으로 표시해 적발됐으며, 1곳은 소비기한이 지난 제품을 조리·판매 목적으로 보관하고 있었다. 나머지 1곳은 조리장소의 위생 상태가 심각하게 불량해 위생적 취급기준 위반으로 적발됐다.
특사경은 이번 단속에서 불법행위로 적발된 업소 15곳 중 14곳의 영업자를 형사입건 조치하며, 조리장소 위생이 불량한 업소 1곳은 행정사항 위반에 따라 과태료를 부과할 방침이다.
특사경은 ▲허가를 받지 않고 식육을 가공하거나 포장육을 만드는 경우, '축산물 위생관리법'에 따라 10년 이하의 징역 또는 1억 원 이하의 벌금이 ▲식용으로 부적합한 깨진 달걀을 사용한 경우, '식품위생법'에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처한다.고 밝혔다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'.
Fifteen illegal businesses were caught using substandard eggs and cheese, including cake manufacturing and sales businesses, large restaurants such as famous restaurants, and livestock product handling businesses.
In particular, in this survey, even famous restaurants or large restaurants were caught lying about the origin of food ingredients or managing cooking areas in an unhygienic manner, so caution is needed.
The Busan City Special Judicial Police carried out a special crackdown targeting about 120 places during the month of May, and as a result, ▲False labeling of the Food Safety Management Certification Standard (HACCP) (2 locations) ▲Selling and storing and using eggs unsuitable for human consumption for manufacturing purposes. (2 locations) ▲Storage of products past their expiration date for the purpose of manufacturing or selling (3 locations) ▲False indication of origin (3 locations) ▲Serious poor hygiene (1 location) ▲Unauthorized and unreported business practices (4 locations), etc. A total of 15 locations. It was announced that illegal activities were detected at the business.
In the case of Meat Processing Company A and Meat Packaging Company B, as the number of orders increased from around May of last year, they illegally entrusted the production of seasoned meat and packaged meat to Company C, which did not have the relevant license, and the products were subject to the Food Safety Management Certification Standard (HACCP). They were caught falsely labeling all items as companies A and B and then supplying the products to group cafeterias. It was revealed that these companies made a total of 15 tons (market price 170 million won) of unfair profits through this method.
In addition, a large number of cake handling businesses were caught committing illegal acts in terms of sanitary conditions in manufacturing and management, and whether raw materials were used beyond their expiration date.
Company K, a cake manufacturing and processing company, was caught manufacturing, processing, selling, and storing bread with broken eggs that were unfit for human consumption and had no markings on egg shells, such as egg laying date or identification number. As for these defective eggs, Company K received relatively inexpensive eggs from Company M, an edible egg collection and sales business, and some of them were manufactured, processed, and sold.
In the case of S Business, a cake manufacturing and processing company, it was caught storing five types of food ingredients, including cheese, that were seven months past their expiration date for manufacturing and processing purposes. In addition, Bakery D was caught processing and selling bread such as cakes without a permit without reporting it to the district office.
In addition, a large number of businesses were caught lying about the origin of food ingredients or managing cooking areas in an unhygienic manner. Five of these businesses are famous restaurants or large restaurants that citizens trust and visit.
Among the restaurants caught, three were found to have falsely indicated the country of origin of red pepper powder or pork, and one was storing products past their expiration date for cooking and selling purposes. The remaining one was found to be in violation of sanitary handling standards due to seriously poor hygiene conditions in the cooking area.
The Busan City Special Judicial Polic plans to take criminal charges against 14 of the 15 businesses found to be engaging in illegal activities in this crackdown, and impose a fine on one business with poor hygiene in the cooking area for violating administrative regulations.
The Busan City Special Judicial Polic states that if you process meat or make packaged meat without a permit, you will be subject to imprisonment for up to 10 years or a fine of up to 100 million won under the Livestock Products Sanitation Management Act. If you use broken eggs that are unfit for human consumption. According to the 'Food Sanitation Act', they are subject to imprisonment for up to 5 years or a fine of up to 50 million won. <저작권자 ⓒ 부산브레이크뉴스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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