부산시, 제23회 부산재가노인복지대회 개최...700여명 참석

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2024/10/28 [19:56]

부산시, 제23회 부산재가노인복지대회 개최...700여명 참석

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2024/10/28 [19:56]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산시는 제23회 부산재가노인복지대회를 28일 오후 2시 시청 대강당에서 개최했다.


이날 기념식은 시, 협회 회원기관, 이용 어르신 등 700여 명이 참석한 가운데 ▲기념식 ▲유공자 시상 ▲문화공연 순으로 진행될 예정이다. 2001년부터 시작해 올해로 23회째를 맞는 ‘부산재가노인복지대회’는 시설 종사자와 자원봉사자, 이용 어르신들이 함께하는 축제의 장이다.


이날 대회에는 배병철 시 사회복지국장, 주관기관인 서보경 부산재가노인복지협회장을 비롯한 회원기관 종사자와 자원봉사자, 이용 어르신 등이 참석했다.


유공자 시상식에서는 지역사회 취약 및 위기 어르신에게 건강하고 안정된 노후생활을 영위할 수 있도록 헌신한 종사자와 자원봉사자에게 포상을 수여했다.


▲일선에서 노인 돌봄 등 복지 증진에 이바지한 종사자 9명 ▲지역 내 어르신들의 권익 신장과 봉사활동에 지속해서 애써오신 자원봉사자 8명을 포함한 총 17명에게 표창을 수여했다.


또한, 재가노인복지 서비스 이용 어르신의 건강하고 행복한 삶을 기원하는 마음으로 자랑스러운 어르신 47명에 대해 포상을 진행하며, 그중 대표 어르신 3명에 대해 시상을 진행했다.


배병철 시 사회복지국장은 “일상생활 유지가 곤란한 위기 어르신과 복지 사각지대 취약 어르신에게 일상생활 지원 등 전문사례관리 서비스를 제공하기 위해 애쓰시는 종사자와 자원봉사자들에게 감사의 뜻을 전한다”라고 말했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. .<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'>


Busan City signed a business agreement with POSCO Holdings and Korea Quantum Computing on the 28th for cooperation in the field of future innovative materials based on quantum computing.


At the business agreement held in the video conference room of the city hall at 3 PM on that day, Mayor Park Hyung-joon, POSCO Holdings Chairman Jang In-hwa, and Korea Quantum Computing Chairman Kwon Ji-hoon attended and signed the business agreement.


This agreement was prepared as part of Busan City’s efforts to create a quantum information technology ecosystem, and to advance Busan as a global quantum hub city through cooperation in the field of future innovative materials based on quantum computing.


The agreement states that ▲ POSCO Holdings Co., Ltd. will research quantum computing technology for the development of future innovative materials and improvement of process efficiency. ▲ Korea Quantum Computing Co., Ltd. will contribute to the creation of the city’s quantum information technology ecosystem through providing quantum computing research infrastructure, quantum algorithm development, hardware optimization, application program design, and other technological research and solution development. ▲ The city will provide administrative support for cooperation in the future innovation material field based on quantum computing, etc. 


Mayor Park Hyung-joon said, “This agreement will be an important turning point for quantum computer research and utilization in various fields such as the future innovation material industry in Busan,” and expressed his expectations, saying, “If the cooperative projects under the agreement are carried out smoothly and are organically combined with the Quantum Science and Technology Center that will open in November, the true face of Busan as a global quantum hub city will be revealed.”

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