부산시, 유원지 등 식품위생업소 위생 점검...위반 업소 15곳 적발

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2024/10/28 [18:44]

부산시, 유원지 등 식품위생업소 위생 점검...위반 업소 15곳 적발

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2024/10/28 [18:44]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산시는 터미널 등 다중이용시설 내 음식점과 식품제조가공업소 총 336곳을 대상으로 위생 점검을 한 결과, 15곳을 적발했다고 밝혔다.


시는16개 구군과 함께 지난 923일부터 30일까지 16개 구군과 함께 가을철 다수의 사람이 밀집할 것으로 예상되는 유원지, 기차역, 터미널 등에서 영업 중인 핫바, 도시락, 빵류, 커피 생산 등의 음식점과 다소비 식품 제조업소를 대상으로 식품위생안전을 실시했다.


주요 위반 사항으로, 음식점은 ▲위생적 취급기준 위반(2곳) ▲위생모 및 마스크 미착용(2곳) ▲건강진단 미실시(1곳) ▲영업장 면적변경 미신고(1곳) 이며, 식품제조가공업은 ▲생산 및 작업일지 등 서류 작성 위반(2곳) ▲품목제조보고 미변경(4곳) ▲자가품질검사 미실시(1곳) ▲보고대상 이물 미보고(1곳) ▲위생적 취급기준 위반(1곳)이다.


이번에 적발된 업체는 관할 구군에서 행정처분 등 조치 후 6개월 이내에 다시 점검해 개선 여부를 확인할 예정이다.


한편, 점검과 함께 다중이용시설 내 음식점에서 조리·판매되는 김밥, 떡볶이, 햄버거 등 16건을 수거해 식중독균을 검사한 결과, 식품의 기준 및 규격에 모두 적합한 것으로 나타났다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. .<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'>


Busan City announced that it conducted a hygiene inspection of 336 restaurants and food manufacturing and processing plants in multi-use facilities such as terminals, and found 15 of them.


From September 23 to 30, the city, together with 16 districts, conducted food hygiene and safety inspections on hot bars, lunch boxes, bakeries, coffee shops, and other high-consumption food manufacturing plants in amusement parks, train stations, and terminals where many people are expected to gather in the fall.


The main violations are ▲violation of sanitary handling standards (2 places) ▲failure to wear sanitary caps and masks (2 places) ▲failure to conduct health checkups (1 place) ▲failure to report changes in business area (1 place) for restaurants, and ▲failure to write documents such as production and work logs (2 places) ▲failure to change product manufacturing reports (4 places) ▲failure to conduct self-quality inspections (1 place) ▲failure to report foreign substances (1 place) ▲failure to violate sanitary handling standards (1 place).


The companies caught this time will be re-inspected within 6 months after administrative measures such as administrative dispositions are taken by the relevant district or county to check whether improvements have been made.


Meanwhile, along with the inspection, 16 cases of kimbap, tteokbokki, and hamburgers cooked and sold in restaurants in multi-use facilities were collected and tested for food poisoning bacteria, and the results showed that all of them met the standards and specifications for food.



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