부산시, 전국 최초 '항만 드론 배송 서비스' 개시...배송거점- 한국해양대.영도구 조도방파제

배송지역- ▲부산항 묘박지(11개) ▲유어장 낚시터(4개) ▲조도방파제(2개) 등 17개 지점

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2024/11/25 [20:59]

부산시, 전국 최초 '항만 드론 배송 서비스' 개시...배송거점- 한국해양대.영도구 조도방파제

배송지역- ▲부산항 묘박지(11개) ▲유어장 낚시터(4개) ▲조도방파제(2개) 등 17개 지점

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2024/11/25 [20:59]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산시는 전국 최초 '케이(K)-드론 배송 표준안을 적용한 항만 드론 배송 서비스를 본격 개시한다.


26일 오후 2시 한국해양대 배송거점센터에서 드론 배송 시연회가 열린다. 영도구 조도방파제에서 앱으로 주문한 음료 등 편의점 물품을 드론이 한국해양대학교 내 배송거점센터를 출발해 주문자에게 전달하는 퍼포먼스가 진행될 예정이다.


시는 배송거점 2곳에서 부산항 묘박지, 해상 레저지역 등 17개 지점에 물품을 배송하는 '항만 드론 배송 서비스'를 전국 최초로 운영한다. 배송지역은 ▲부산항 묘박지(11개) ▲유어장 낚시터(4개) ▲조도방파제(2개)다.


매일 오전 11시부터 오후 7시까지 나라온(NARAON) 앱을 통해 물품을 주문하면, 항만 드론 배송 서비스를 받을 수 있다. 배송비는 ▲해상레저지역 3천 원 ▲묘박지는 10만 원을 기본으로 할증·할인이 적용된다.


나라온 앱을 통해 선용품, 전자제품, 낚시용품, 음식물, 편의점 물품 등 주문할 수 있다.


지난 3월 국토교통부 '2024년 드론 실증도시 구축 공모사업'의 항만 드론 배송 분야에 유일하게 선정된 시는 ▲해양드론기술 ▲피앤유드론 ▲부산테크노파크 ▲부산국제선용품유통사업협동조합 등과 함께 항만 드론 배송 체계를 구축해왔다.


올해 3월부터 11월까지 총사업비 5억9천500만 원(국비 5억 원, 시비 9천500만 원)을 투입해 배송거점 2곳[한국해양대, 중리산 중턱(동삼동 641-2)]을 구축했다.


한편, 시는 이번 사업을 통해 부산형 항만 드론 배송 상용화 표준모델을 정립하고 이를 더욱 확대해 나갈 계획이다.


권역 내 배송거점 및 배송지역을 추가해 서비스 가능지역을 넓히고, 여수, 광양 등 국내 주요 항만으로 확대될 수 있도록 지원할 예정이다. 또한, 고중량 물품을 운송할 수 있는 드론 개발을 통해 품목의 다양화도 계획 중이다.


▲ 사업개념도/부산시  © 배종태 기자


싱가포르, 로테르담, 파나마, 수에즈 등 선박 통항량 및 물동량이 많은 세계(글로벌) 해운·항만을 중심으로 배송서비스 모델 수출도 추진할 계획이다.


박형준 시장은 “전국 최초로 운영하는 이번 항만 드론 배송 서비스를 통해 물류 사각지대와 해상 레저지역에서의 여가 생활 불편 해소 등에 이바지하기를 기대한다”라며, “해양 중심의 드론 배송 서비스 모델 표준화와 국내외 주요 항만 확대 및 드론을 활용한 다양한 비즈니스모델 발굴과 실증을 통해 지역 내 드론 기업이 세계적으로 발전할 수 있도록 계속 지원해 나갈것”이라고 밝혔다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. 


Busan City is launching the nation's first 'port drone delivery service that applies the K-drone delivery standard.


A drone delivery demonstration will be held at the Korea Maritime and Ocean University Delivery Base Center at 2 PM on the 26th. A performance will be held where a drone will depart from the Korea Maritime and Ocean University Delivery Base Center and deliver convenience store items ordered through an app at Jodo Breakwater in Yeongdo-gu to the customer.


The city is the first in the nation to operate a 'port drone delivery service' that delivers items from two delivery bases to 17 locations, including Busan Port anchorages and marine leisure areas. The delivery areas are ▲Busan Port anchorages (11 locations) ▲Fishery fishing grounds (4 locations) ▲Jodo Breakwater (2 locations).


If people order items through the NARAON app from 11 AM to 7 PM every day, you can receive the port drone delivery service. The delivery fee is ▲3,000 won for maritime leisure areas ▲100,000 won for anchorage areas, with additional charges and discounts.


People can order items such as ship supplies, electronic products, fishing supplies, food, and convenience store items through the Naraon app.


The city, which was the only city selected in the port drone delivery sector of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's '2024 Drone Demonstration City Construction Competition' in March, has been building a port drone delivery system together with ▲Marine Drone Technology ▲P&U Drone ▲Busan Techno Park ▲Busan International Ship Supplies Distribution Business Cooperative.


From March to November of this year, a total project cost of KRW 595 million (KRW 500 million from the national budget and KRW 95 million from the city budget) was invested to build two delivery bases [Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Jungrisan mid-slope (Dongsam-dong 641-2)].


Meanwhile, the city plans to establish a Busan-style port drone delivery commercialization standard model through this project and further expand it.


The city plan to expand the service area by adding delivery bases and delivery areas within the region, and support expansion to major domestic ports such as Yeosu and Gwangyang. In addition, we are planning to diversify the product line by developing drones capable of transporting heavy items.


The city also plan to promote export of delivery service models centered on global shipping and ports with high vessel traffic and cargo volumes such as Singapore, Rotterdam, Panama, and Suez.


Mayor Park Hyung-joon said, “We hope that this port drone delivery service, the first of its kind in the country, will contribute to resolving logistics blind spots and inconveniences in leisure life in maritime leisure areas,” and added, “We will continue to support regional drone companies to develop globally through standardization of maritime-centered drone delivery service models, expansion of major domestic and international ports, and discovery and verification of various business models utilizing drones.”


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