브레이크뉴스 정명훈 기자= 경찰청 국가수사본부 비상계엄 특별수사단이 11일 대통령실에 대한 압수수색에 나섰지만 대통령경호처에 막혀 진입조차 하지 못하고 있다.
국수본은 이날 오전 "현재 대통령실, 경찰청, 서울지방경찰청, 국회경비대에 대한 압수수색에 착수했다"고 전했으나, 오후 3시가 넘은 시각에도 대통령실에 진입하지 못한 것으로 전해졌다.
경찰은 압수수색 영장에 윤석열 대통령을 '내란 등 혐의 피의자'로 적시했으며 압수수색 대상으로 대통령집무실과 경호처 등을 명시했다. 또한 비상계험 선포 직후 국무회의 회의록도 확보한다는 방침을 세웠다.
그러나 대통령경호처에 막혀 경내 진입도 못한 상태다. 대통령실 시설 자체가 보안시설이다 보니 압수수색을 위해선 경호처의 협조가 필요하다.
한편, 지난 2016년 박근혜 전 대통령의 국정농단 사태 당시에도 청와대는 보안유지를 이유로 들며 박영수 특검의 압수수색을 거부했다. 결국 당시 특검은 필요 자료를 청와대로부터 건네받는 방식을 취했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. <*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'>
Police, difficulty in search and seizure of presidential office.. standoff with security service
The National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency's Martial Law Special Investigation Team began a search and seizure of the presidential office on the 11th, but was blocked by the presidential security service and was unable to enter.
The National Investigation Headquarters announced that morning, "We have currently begun a search and seizure of the presidential office, the National Police Agency, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, and the National Assembly Guard," but it was reported that they were unable to enter even after 3 p.m.
The police listed President Yoon Seok-yeol as a "suspect on charges of sedition, etc." in the search and seizure warrant and specified the presidential office and the security service as targets for the search and seizure. They also set a policy to secure the minutes of the State Council meeting immediately after the declaration of emergency.
However, they were blocked by the presidential security service and were unable to enter the premises. Since the presidential office itself is a security facility, the cooperation of the security service is necessary for the search and seizure.
Meanwhile, during the state affairs scandal of former President Park Geun-hye in 2016, the Blue House refused to allow Special Prosecutor Park Young-soo to conduct a search and seizure, citing security concerns. In the end, the special prosecutor at the time took the approach of receiving the necessary documents from the Blue House.
<저작권자 ⓒ 부산브레이크뉴스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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