2025년 부산 고향사랑기부제 답례품 '텃밭 분양권'...새해 1일부터 선착순 분양

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/31 [11:58]

2025년 부산 고향사랑기부제 답례품 '텃밭 분양권'...새해 1일부터 선착순 분양

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2024/12/31 [11:58]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산시는 2025년 고향사랑기부제 답례품으로 선정된 '공영텃밭 분양권'을 새해 1일 오전 0시부터 기부 포털 '고향사랑이(e)음'에서 선착순으로 신청할 수 있다고 밝혔다.


'공영 텃밭 분양권'은 '부산시청'에 20만 원 이상 기부한 사람만 선택할 수 있다. 동부산(기장군 철마면) 10구좌, 신호지구(강서구 신호동) 20구좌에 대해 1구좌씩 분양권이 주어지는 답례품이다.


'고향사랑기부제'는 지역경제 활성화와 국가 균형발전을 위해 개인이 연간 5백만 원 한도로 거주지 외 지방에 기부하는 제도로, 내년에는 2천만 원으로 기부한도액이 상향된다.


기부자는 세액 공제와 함께 기부금액의 30퍼센트(%)에 해당하는 금액을 포인트로 받게 되며 그 포인트로 텃밭 분양권을 선택할 수 있다. 포인트는 5년 안에 사용하면 된다.


‘공영 텃밭 분양권’은 시 농축산유통과에서 운영하는 공영 텃밭 331구좌 중 총 30구좌(기장군 철마면 10구좌, 강서구 신호동 20구좌)에 대해 부산시 고향사랑기부제 답례품으로 텃밭 분양권을 선택한 기부자에게 분양되는 것으로, 내년 답례품으로 처음 선정됐다.


공영 텃밭의 면적은 배수로, 통로 등을 포함해 ▲동부산, 1구좌당 23제곱미터(㎡)(7평) ▲신호지구, 1구좌당 16제곱미터(㎡)(5평)며, 분양금액은 1구좌당 ▲동부산, 6만 원 ▲신호지구, 4만 원이다.


기부 포털인 '고향사랑이(e)음'과 농협은행에서 기부할 수 있다. 시의 2025년도 고향사랑기부제 답례품은 지역상품권인 ‘동백전’을 포함해 총 35종이다.


김봉철 시 행정자치국장은 “부산시가 특색있게 준비한 답례품인 '공영텃밭 분양권'은 경쟁이 치열할 것으로 예상돼 미리 기부한 후, 포인트를 받아놓는 것이 유리할 것으로 생각된다”라며, “'고향사랑기부제'를 통해 부산시에 기부해 주시는 한 분 한 분의 손길이 부산의 밝은 미래를 열어간다. 소중한 참여를 부탁드린다”라고 전했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'.>


Busan City announced that the 'Public Garden Allotment Voucher' selected as the 2025 Hometown Love Donation Gift can be applied for on a first-come, first-served basis on the donation portal 'Hometown Love (e)um' from midnight on New Year's Day.


'Public Garden Allotment Voucher' can only be selected by those who donated more than 200,000 won to 'Busan City Hall'. It is a gift that gives one allotment voucher for 10 seats in Dongbu Busan (Cheolma-myeon, Gijang-gun) and 20 seats in Sinho District (Sinho-dong, Gangseo-gu).


The 'Hometown Love Donation Voucher' is a system in which individuals donate up to 5 million won per year to local areas outside their residence to vitalize the local economy and promote balanced national development. Next year, the donation limit will be increased to 20 million won.


Donors will receive a tax deduction and 30 percent (%) of the donation amount as points, and can use those points to select a garden allotment voucher. Points must be used within 5 years.


The ‘Public Allotment Rights’ are given to donors who selected the allotment rights as a gift for the Busan City Hometown Love Donation System for a total of 30 out of 331 public allotment rights operated by the city’s Livestock and Agricultural Products Distribution Division (10 seats in Cheolma-myeon, Gijang-gun, and 20 seats in Sinho-dong, Gangseo-gu). It was first selected as a gift for next year.


The area of ​​the public allotment rights is ▲East Busan, 23 square meters (㎡) (7 pyeong) per seat, ▲Sinho District, 16 square meters (㎡) (5 pyeong) per seat, including drainage ditches and passageways, and the allotment amount is ▲East Busan, 60,000 won ▲Sinho District, 40,000 won per seat.


You can donate through the donation portal <Hometown Love (e)um> and Nonghyup Bank. The city's 2025 Hometown Love Donation Gifts include a total of 35 types, including the local gift certificate 'Dongbaekjeon'.


Kim Bong-cheol, Director of the City's Administrative Autonomy Bureau, said, "The 'Public Garden Allotment Certificate', a gift uniquely prepared by Busan City, is expected to be highly competitive, so it would be advantageous to donate in advance and receive points," and added, "The hands of each and every person who donates to Busan City through the 'Hometown Love Donation' will open up a bright future for Busan and would like to ask for valuable participation."

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