부산관광기업지원센터 성과평가 5년 연속 '우수'...국비 10억원 확보

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/31 [10:20]

부산관광기업지원센터 성과평가 5년 연속 '우수'...국비 10억원 확보

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2024/12/31 [10:20]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산관광기업지원센터가 한국관광공사 주관 '2024년 지역관광기업지원센터 성과평가'에서 '우수' 등급을 받아 내년 국비 10억 원을 확보하게 됐다.


부산관광기업지원센터는 문화체육관광부 공모에 선정돼 2019년 전국 최초로 개소했으며, 영도구에 있다.


센타는 "국내외 관광객 유치와 지역 관광기업의 세계적(글로벌) 경쟁력 강화를 위해, 부산 관광기업의 국내외 홍보·판로개척에 힘써 관광기업들의 시장 확장을 실질적으로 지원하는 사업을 추진한 결과"라고 밝혔다.


센터는 올해 코로나 이전 수준으로 회복된 관광수요에 대응하며, ▲세계관광기구(UN Tourism) 공동 기업 투자 설명회(IR) 개최 ▲글로벌 여행 플랫폼 연계 관광기업 홍보 ▲무인양품 업무협약 체결 및 ‘열린 시장 부산편’ 운영 ▲부산슈퍼 팝업스토어 브랜딩 확대(부울경 공동 팝업스토어 운영, 크리스마스빌리지 부산 연계 운영 등) 등을 진행했다.


이로써 5년(2020~2024년) 연속 전국 센터 성과평가 '우수' 등급을 받았다. 2019년 개소 이래 총 70억 원의 국비를 확보하는 등 타 지역 관광기업지원센터의 운영 선도 모델로 평가받고 있다.


지난 5년간 관광 신생 기업(스타트업) 260여 개사 발굴·지원, 관광스타기업 20개 사 선정으로 관광기업들의 세계 진출의 교두보를 마련했다.


이와 함께 3,221명의 직·간접 관광 일자리를 창출해 지역경제 활성화에 이바지했다. 센터 육성 기업들의 5년 누적 총매출액은 약 2천8백억 원, 기업들의 수상·당선 실적 778건, 업계 간 협업 579건으로, 관광 분야 창업 지원 기관의 역할을 톡톡히 하고 있다.


또한, ‘노매드헐’, ‘짐캐리’, ‘미스터멘션’ 등 전국의 인지도 있는 관광기업을 다수 발굴했으며, ‘링크업’, ‘모모스 커피’ 등 식음료(F&B)업종을 스타 관광기업으로 선정하며 이종 산업의 관광산업 융복합을 유도해 지역산업 성장을 도모했다.


아울러, 해외판로 개척 지원 사업을 통해 ▲2020년 신생 기업(스타트업)이자 2023년 스타기업인 ‘(주)그라운드케이’가 2022년 싱가포르 지사를 설립했으며, ▲2021년 스타기업 ‘(주)서프홀릭’이 베트남 다낭 진출 계약을 체결했고, ▲2023년 스타기업 ‘(주)만만한녀석들’과 2024년 스타기업 ‘블루윙(주)’도 해외지사를 설립해 해외 진출에 성공했다.


또한, 센터는 관광 신생 기업(스타트업) 육성·관광기업 지원·산학관 협력 시스템 구축을 통한 건강한 관광생태계를 조성해 부산의 관광산업 발전과 일자리 창출의 기반을 마련해 오고 있다.


▲관광 신생 기업(연 30개 사 내외)·스타기업(연 5개 사) 선정 ▲관광기업 육성(사업화자금, 교육 및 컨설팅, 홍보 및 판로개척, 협력 네트워킹 등 지원) ▲관광인재 양성 및 관광일자리 창출(관광 일자리 페스타, 인턴 매칭 지원 사업, 로컬 크리에이터 육성, 관광 트래블톤 개최 등) ▲관광산업생태계 개선(부산관광벤처상생센터 운영, 전통기업 디지털 전환 지원 교육, 관광 두레 육성 사업) 등 다양한 사업을 추진하며 관광기업의 든든한 파트너 역할을 하고 있다.


부산관광기업지원센터는 내년에는 더 많은 관광기업이 세계적 기업으로 도약할 수 있도록 ▲글로벌 온라인 여행사(OTA) 유치 사전 지원(테스트베드) 사업 ▲부산슈퍼 브랜딩화 사업(점포 임대 및 판매장 운영 등) ▲케이(K)-콘텐츠 관광마케팅 아카데미 사업 등, 관광기업의 세계적(글로벌) 역량 강화 사업과 관광 인재 양성 사업을 중점적으로 추진할 계획이다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'.>


The Busan Tourism Enterprise Support Center received an 'Excellent' grade in the '2024 Regional Tourism Enterprise Support Center Performance Evaluation' hosted by the Korea Tourism Organization, securing 1 billion won in national funds for next year.


The Busan Tourism Enterprise Support Center was selected through a public offering by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and opened in 2019 as the first in the country, and is located in Yeongdo-gu.


The center stated that "In order to attract domestic and foreign tourists and strengthen the global competitiveness of local tourism companies, we have promoted and developed domestic and international sales channels for Busan tourism companies, thereby substantially supporting the expansion of tourism companies' markets."


In response to the tourism demand that has recovered to pre-COVID levels this year, the center has ▲held a joint corporate investment briefing (IR) with the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), ▲promoted tourism companies in connection with global travel platforms, ▲signed a business agreement with Muji and operated the 'Open Market Busan Edition', and ▲expanded the branding of the Busan Super Pop-up Store (operated joint pop-up stores between Busan and Ulsan, operated Christmas Village Busan in connection, etc.).


This has resulted in receiving the 'Excellent' grade in the national center performance evaluation for five consecutive years (2020-2024). Since its opening in 2019, it has secured a total of 7 billion won in national funds, and is evaluated as a leading model for the operation of tourism business support centers in other regions.


Over the past five years, it has discovered and supported approximately 260 tourism startups and selected 20 tourism star companies, thereby establishing a bridgehead for tourism businesses to advance into the global market.


In addition, it has contributed to the revitalization of the local economy by creating 3,221 direct and indirect tourism jobs. The cumulative total sales of companies fostered by the center over the past five years is approximately 280 billion won, the number of awards and elections won by companies is 778, and collaborations between industries are 579, playing a significant role as an organization supporting startups in the tourism sector.


In addition, we discovered many well-known tourism companies nationwide, such as ‘Nomad Hull’, ‘Jim Carry’, and ‘Mr. Mansion’, and selected food and beverage (F&B) companies such as ‘Link Up’ and ‘Momos Coffee’ as star tourism companies, thereby promoting the convergence of tourism industries in different industries and promoting the growth of local industries.


In addition, through the overseas market development support project, ▲ ‘Ground K Co., Ltd.’, a new company (startup) in 2020 and a star company in 2023, established a Singapore branch in 2022, ▲ ‘Surfholic Co., Ltd.’, a star company in 2021, signed a contract to enter Danang, Vietnam, ▲ ​​‘Manmanhan Guys Co., Ltd.’, a star company in 2023, and ‘Bluewing Co., Ltd.’, a star company in 2024, also established overseas branches and successfully entered overseas markets.


In addition, the center has been creating a healthy tourism ecosystem by fostering tourism startups, supporting tourism companies, and establishing a system for industry-academia cooperation, thereby laying the foundation for the development of Busan's tourism industry and job creation.


▲Selection of tourism startups (approximately 30 companies per year) and star companies (5 companies per year) ▲Fostering tourism companies (support for commercialization funds, education and consulting, promotion and market development, cooperative networking, etc.) ▲Fostering tourism talent and creating tourism jobs (tourism job festival, intern matching support project, fostering local creators, hosting tourism travel tones, etc.) ▲Improving the tourism industry ecosystem (operating Busan Tourism Venture Mutual Growth Center, supporting traditional companies' digital transformation education, fostering tourism Dure projects), etc., and is playing a strong role as a partner for tourism companies by promoting various projects.


Next year, the Busan Tourism Enterprise Support Center plans to focus on strengthening the global capabilities of tourism enterprises and fostering tourism talents, such as ▲Preliminary support for attracting global online travel agencies (OTAs) (test bed) ▲Busan Super Branding Project (store leasing and sales outlet operation, etc.) ▲K-Content Tourism Marketing Academy Project, so that more tourism enterprises can leap forward as global enterprises.




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