25일 YTN이 엠브레인퍼블릭에 의뢰해 지난 22~23일 전국 성인 남녀 1003명을 대상으로 조사한 결과, 이재명 대표와 오세훈 서울시장간 가상 양자대결에서 각각 41%의 지지율로 동률을 기록했다.
또한 이재명 대표와 홍준표 대구시장간 가상 양자대결에서도 두 사람은 각각 41%로 동률을 이뤘다.
이어 이재명 대표와 김문수 고용노동부 장관과의 대결에서는 이재명 42%, 김문수 38%로 오차범위 내 접전 양상이었다.
한동훈 국민의힘 전 대표와 맞붙었을 때는 이 대표 39%, 한 전 대표가 33%로 아슬아슬하게 오차범위 내로 집계됐다.
유승민 전 의원과의 대결에서는 이재명 38%, 유승민 29%로, 이 대표가 앞서나갔다.
정당 지지율을 보면, 국민의힘 42%, 민주당 38%로 오차범위 내로 나타났다. 뒤이어 조국혁신당 4%, 개혁신당 2%, 진보당 1% 순으로 집계됐다.
차기 대선에서 야권 후보가 당선돼 '정권교체해야 한다'는 응답은 47%는 , 현 정권이 '연장돼야 한다'는 응답은 45%로 이 역시 접전이었다.
한편, 이번 조사는 구조화된 설문지를 이용한 전화면접조사(무선 100%) 방식으로 진행됐다. 응답률은 19.4%(1003명)이며 표본오차는 95% 신뢰수준에 오차범위는 ±3.1%p다. 더 자세한 내용은 중앙선거여론조사심의위원회 홈페이지를 참조하면 된다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. .>
A virtual one-on-one matchup between ruling and opposition party presidential candidates... Lee Jae-myung vs. Oh Se-hoon and Hong Joon-pyo tied
According to the results of a public opinion poll on a virtual one-on-one matchup between the ruling and opposition party presidential candidates, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, and the ruling party presidential candidates are in a very close race.
According to the results of a survey conducted by Embrain Public on 1,003 adult men and women nationwide on the 22nd and 23rd commissioned by YTN on the 25th, Lee Jae-myung and Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon each recorded a 41% approval rating in a virtual one-on-one matchup.
In addition, Lee Jae-myung and Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo also tied with 41% in a virtual one-on-one matchup.
In the matchup between Lee Jae-myung and Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo, Lee Jae-myung received 42% and Kim Moon-soo received 38%, showing a close race within the margin of error.
When he faced off against former People's Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon, Lee received 39% and Han received 33%, which was within the margin of error.
In the matchup with former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min, Lee Jae-myung received 38% and Yoo Seung-min received 29%, with Lee leading.
Looking at the party approval ratings, the People's Power Party received 42% and the Democratic Party received 38%, which was within the margin of error. It was followed by the Fatherland Innovation Party with 4%, the New Reform Party with 2%, and the Progressive Party with 1%.
In the next presidential election, 47% responded that the opposition candidate should be elected and the government should be changed, while 45% responded that the current government should be extended, which was also a close match.
Meanwhile, this survey was conducted in the form of a telephone interview (100% wireless) using a structured questionnaire. The response rate was 19.4% (1,003 people), and the sampling error was ±3.1%p at a 95% confidence level. For more information, please refer to the website of the Central Election Opinion Survey Deliberation Committee.
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