유 당선인은 지난 14일 서울 송파구 올림픽공원 내 올림픽홀에서 실시한 제42대 대한체육회장 선거에서 총 1209표 중 417표(34.5%)를 얻어 당선됐다.
150분간 진행된 이번 투표에서는 선거인단 2244명 중 1209명이 참여했고, 투표율 53.9%를 기록했다.
유 당선인은 지난해 9월 대한체육회장 도전을 선언, 대한탁구협회장 자리에서 물러났으며, △지방체육회 및 종목단체 자립성 확보를 통한 동반 성장 △선수·지도자 올 케어 시스템 도입 △학교체육 활성화 프로젝트 △생활체육 전문화를 통한 선진 스포츠 인프라 구축 △글로벌 중심 K-스포츠 △체육회 수익 플랫폼 구축을 통한 자생력 향상을 공약으로 내세웠다.
유 당선인은 문화체육관광부의 승인 절차를 거치면 공식 취임하며, 임기는 2029년 2월까지다.
한편, 3선에 도전했던 이기흥 현 대한체육회장은 총 1209표 중 379표를 얻어 38표 차로 낙선했다.
이기홍 회장에 대항하는 경쟁자들의 단일화가 불발되고, 6명의 후보가 경쟁하면서 이번 선거가 이기흥 회장에게 유리하게 흘러가는 듯 했지만, 결과는 낙선이었다.
문화체육관광부의 갈등, 각종 비위 혐의 등이 이번 선거에서 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다.
Yoo Seung-min elected as 42nd President of the Korea Sports Council... Lee Ki-heung's 3rd term failure ends in failure
Former Korea Table Tennis Association President Yoo Seung-min, an Olympic gold medalist, was elected as the 42nd President of the Korea Sports Council. Born in 1982 and 43 years old this year, President-elect Yoo became the youngest president of the Korea Sports Council.
President-elect Yoo was elected as the 42nd President of the Korea Sports Council with 417 votes (34.5%) out of 1,209 votes cast in the 42nd President of the Korea Sports Council held at the Olympic Hall in Olympic Park, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 14th.
In the 150-minute-long election, 1,209 of the 2,244 electors participated, recording a voter turnout of 53.9%.
In September of last year, Yoo declared his candidacy for the Korea Sports Council President, stepping down from his position as the Korea Table Tennis Association President. He made the following pledges: △Increasing the independence of local sports councils and sports organizations through joint growth, △Introducing an all-care system for athletes and coaches, △School sports revitalization project, △Establishing advanced sports infrastructure through specialization of recreational sports, △Globally centered K-sports, and △Enhancing self-reliance through establishing a sports council profit platform.
Yoo will officially take office after completing the approval process of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and his term will end in February 2029.
Meanwhile, Lee Ki-heung, the current president of the Korea Sports Council who was running for a third term, received 379 votes out of a total of 1,209 votes, losing by 38 votes.
Although the unification of competitors against Lee Ki-hong failed and six candidates competed, it seemed that things were going in Lee Ki-heung’s favor, the result was defeat.
It seems that the conflict within the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and various allegations of irregularities had a major impact on this election.
<저작권자 ⓒ 부산브레이크뉴스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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