윤석열 대통령 측 "공수처 수사, 현재 같은 상태로는 진행 어려워""아무리 직무 정지됐어도 현직 대통령인데 증거 인멸 우려 있다는 확정적 증거 없이 서신 금지하는 건 반인권적 행위" 윤, 신체적 필요 검진차 국군서울지구병원 이동
윤 대통령 수사 변호인단·탄핵심판 대리인단 공보 역할을 맡은 윤갑근 변호사는 이날 헌법재판소 탄핵심판 3차 변론이 끝난 후 전날 공수처의 강제구인 시도에 대해 이같은 입장을 전했다.
그러면서 "변호인 접견 중 공수처에서 (구인하러) 나온 것으로 접견은 계속 이어졌으나 방해받았다"며 "구속영장이 발부돼 집행되면 모든 권한은 구치소가 갖고 있으며 공수처가 함부로 인치할 권한이 없고, 그런 부분에서 제대로 집행 안 된 것"이라고 설명했다.
또 '공수처가 윤 대통령 사건을 검찰로 송부 시 조사에 응할 지' 여부엔 "검찰로 이송되면 그때그때 상황 보고 말씀드리겠다"며 '검찰 수사에 응하겠다는 입장 유보' 여부에 대해선 "그런 발언을 한 적 없고 유보하는 태도를 취한 것도 없으며 수사 상황이 급변하니 그때 가서 판단하겠단 것"이라고 했다.
공수처가 윤 대통령에 대해 변호인 외 접견 금지에 이어 서신 수·발신 금지 조치를 한 것에 대해선 "있어선 안 될 일"이라며 "아무리 직무 정지됐어도 현직 대통령인데 증거 인멸 우려가 있다는 확정적 증거 없이 서신을 금지하는 건 반인권적 행위"라고 비판했다.
'법원에 구속적부심사 청구 가능성' 관련해선 "아직 구체적 검토한 바 없다"고 밝힌 후 윤 대통령 현 건강 상태 관련해선 "특이한 이상이 있는진 모르겠다"며 "많은 환경 변화와 대통령으로서 심적으로 많은 어려움이 있지 않겠느냐"고 했다.
한편 윤 대통령은 이날 헌재 탄핵심판 변론을 마친 후 국군서울지구병원으로 이동한 가운데 특별히 건강에 이상이 생긴 게 아닌 필요 검진을 받기 위한 것으로 알려졌다.
윤 대통령을 태운 법무부 호송차는 이날 오후 4시 42분께 헌재서 출발해 국군서울지구병원으로 이동한 가운데 최근 윤 대통령이 신체적 불편함을 호소해 관련 검진을 받기 위한 것으로 전해졌고 구체적 증상은 알려지지 않았다.
윤 대통령은 검진을 마치는 대로 경기 의왕시 서울구치소로 복귀 예정인 가운데 공수처는 전날에 이어 지속 강제 구인 시도를 할려는 움직임이어서 논란을 계속 자초하는 형국이다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. <*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. >.
President Yoon Seok-yeol's side: "The investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office is difficult to proceed in the current state" "Even if he was suspended from duty, he is the current president, so it is an act against human rights to ban letters without definitive evidence that there is a risk of destruction of evidence." Yoon goes to Seoul Armed Forces Hospital for physical examination -kihong Kim reporter
On the 21st, President Yoon Seok-yeol's side stated regarding the investigation by the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO), "We will think about the investigation process and method in the future," and "It is difficult to proceed in the current state."
Attorney Yoon Gap-geun, who served as a public relations officer for President Yoon's investigation defense team and impeachment trial representative team, conveyed this position on the previous day's CIO's attempted forced arrest after the Constitutional Court's third impeachment trial argument ended.
He explained, "During the meeting with the lawyer, the CIO came (to arrest him), so the meeting continued, but was interrupted," and "Once an arrest warrant is issued and executed, the detention center has all authority, and the CIO does not have the authority to arbitrarily arrest him, and in that regard, it was not properly executed."
Also, regarding whether the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials will cooperate with the investigation if the case of President Yoon is transferred to the prosecution, he said, “I will report back to you when it is transferred to the prosecution,” and regarding whether he will “reserve his position on responding to the prosecution’s investigation,” he said, “I have never made such a statement, nor have I taken an attitude of reservation, and I will make a decision at that time as the investigation situation changes rapidly.”
Regarding the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials’ measures to prohibit President Yoon from meeting with anyone other than his lawyers and sending and receiving letters, he criticized, “This should not have happened,” and “Even if he has been suspended from duty, he is a sitting president, and it is an act that violates human rights to prohibit letters without definitive evidence that there is a risk of destruction of evidence.”
Regarding the possibility of requesting a court review of the legitimacy of his arrest, he stated, “We have not reviewed it specifically yet,” and regarding President Yoon’s current health, he said, “I do not know if there is anything unusual,” and added, “I wonder if he is experiencing many changes in his environment and mental difficulties as the president.”
Meanwhile, President Yoon, after finishing his impeachment trial arguments at the Constitutional Court, reportedly went to the Armed Forces Seoul District Hospital to undergo a necessary checkup, not for any particular health problems.
The Ministry of Justice escort vehicle carrying President Yoon departed from the Constitutional Court at 4:42 PM that day and went to the Armed Forces Seoul District Hospital. It was reported that President Yoon recently complained of physical discomfort and went to undergo a related checkup, but the specific symptoms were not disclosed.
President Yoon is scheduled to return to the Seoul Detention Center in Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do as soon as he finishes his checkup, but the Public Prosecutor's Office is continuing to attempt to forcibly detain him, following the previous day's move, and is thus continuing to invite controversy.
<저작권자 ⓒ 부산브레이크뉴스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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