동래 복천박물관, 대보름맞이 연 만들어 날리기 개최

배종태 기자 | 기사입력 2025/02/03 [18:58]

동래 복천박물관, 대보름맞이 연 만들어 날리기 개최

배종태 기자 | 입력 : 2025/02/03 [18:58]


[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산시립박물관 소속 복천박물관은 오는 8일 오전 10시 복천박물관과 복천동고분군에서 가족 체험행사 '대보름맞이 연 만들어 날리기'를 개최한다고 밝혔다.


이번 행사는 2025년 정월대보름(2월 12일)을 맞아, 한 해의 액을 막고 복을 기원하고자 마련됐다.


이번 행사는 부산 지역 전통 연인 동래연 제작 기술을 보유한 전국 유일의 무형유산인 배무삼 지연장(紙鳶匠)과 함께 창작 연을 만든 다음, 직접 연을 날려보는 행사다.


창작 연 제작은 복천박물관 강의실에서, 연날리기는 복천동고분군 공원에서 진행된다.


지연장(紙鳶匠)은 부산 지역 전통연인 동래연 제작 기술을 보유한 장인, 전국에서 유일하게 2014년 부산광역시 무형유산 제21호로 지정됐다.


특히, 산책로 외에는 개방하지 않는 국가 사적 복천동고분군을 임시 개방해 진행되는 만큼, 도심에서는 쉽게 즐길 수 없는 연날리기를 탁 트인 공간에서 만끽할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.


부산시민 누구나 참가할 수 있으며, 유치원생 또는 초등학생 1인과 보호자 1인으로 팀을 이루면 된다. 참가 신청은 내일(4일) 오전 9시부터 6일 오후 6시까지 시 통합예약시스템(reserve.busan.go.kr)을 통해 선착순 40팀까지 가능하다.


연 만들기 기본재료는 무료로 제공되며, 창작 연을 개성 있게 꾸미기 위한 재료(사인펜, 크레파스 등)는 참가자가 준비해야 한다.


자세한 사항은 복천박물관 누리집 공지사항(museum.busan.go.kr/bokcheon/bkboard/1665138)을 참고하거나 전화(☎051-550-0333)로 문의하면 된다.


The Bokcheon Museum, part of the Busan Metropolitan Museum, announced that it will hold a family experience event, “Making and Flying a Kite to Welcome the First Full Moon of the Year,” at the Bokcheon Museum and Bokcheon-dong Ancient Tombs at 10 AM on the 8th.


This event was prepared to ward off misfortune and pray for good fortune in the year ahead of the first full moon of the year (February 12th) in 2025.


This event is an event where you can make a creative kite with Bae Musam Jiyeonjang (紙鳶匠), the only intangible cultural heritage in Korea who possesses the skills to make traditional Dongraeyeon, a traditional Korean kite from the Busan region, and then fly the kite yourself.


The creative kite making will take place in the lecture room of the Bokcheon Museum, and the kite flying will take place at the Bokcheon-dong Ancient Tombs Park.


Jiyeonjang (紙鳶匠) is a craftsman who possesses the skills to make Dongraeyeon, a traditional Korean kite from the Busan region, and was designated as Busan Metropolitan City Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 21 in 2014.


In particular, since the national historic site Bokcheon-dong Ancient Tombs, which are not open to the public except for the walking path, will be temporarily opened, it is expected that kite flying, which is not easily enjoyed in the city, will be enjoyed in an open space.


Any Busan citizen can participate, and a team can be formed with one kindergarten or elementary school student and one guardian. Applications for participation are available from 9:00 AM tomorrow (the 4th) to 6:00 PM on the 6th through the city's integrated reservation system (reserve.busan.go.kr) on a first-come, first-served basis for up to 40 teams.


Basic kite-making materials are provided free of charge, but participants must prepare materials (sign pens, crayons, etc.) to decorate their creative kites with their own uniqueness.


For more information, refer to the Bokcheon Museum website notice (museum.busan.go.kr/bokcheon/bkboard/1665138) or call (☎051-550-0333).


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