[브레이크뉴스=배종태 기자] 부산경찰청은 지난해 11월 1일부터 새해 1월 31일까지 연말연시 음주로 인한 교통사고가 26% 감소했다고 밝혔다.
시경은 부산시 자치경찰위원회와 합동으로 지난 3개월간 음주운전이 우려되는 관광지⋅식당가 등 지역에서 단속을 실시했다.
부산경찰은 음주운전 교통사고 발생 우려지역에 교통경찰⋅경찰관기동대 등 가용경력을 동원하여 주·야 일제 음주운전 단속을 실시하는 등 가시적 예방활동에 집중한 결과, 음주운전으로 인한 교통사고 발생은 전년보다 26% (138 → 102건)나 감소하였고 단속은 0.9% 증가했다고 밝혔다.
또한 이륜차⋅PM(개인형이동장치)에 대한 단속활동도 병행하여 이륜차 사고는 27.2%(298건 → 217건), PM은 약 40%(15 → 9건) 감소한 것으로 나타났다
아울러 경찰은 상습 음주운전자에 대한 차량압수와 운전자 바꿔치기 등 악성 위반자 재범 근절을 강화하고 있다고 밝혔다.
부산시경 교통과는 "음주운전은 본인뿐만 타인에게도 큰 피해를 주는 범죄행위로 안전한 부산 교통문화 정착을 위해 지속적인 음주운전 단속과 홍보 활동에 최선을 다하겠다"고 전했다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'.
The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency announced that traffic accidents caused by drunk driving during the year-end and New Year holidays decreased by 26% from November 1st of last year to January 31st of this year.
The city police, in cooperation with the Busan Metropolitan Autonomous Police Committee, conducted crackdowns in areas where drunk driving is a concern, such as tourist destinations and restaurants, for the past three months.
The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency announced that as a result of focusing on visible preventive activities, such as mobilizing available forces such as traffic police and police mobile units to crack down on drunk driving day and night in areas where drunk driving traffic accidents are a concern, traffic accidents caused by drunk driving decreased by 26%(138 → 102건) compared to the previous year, while crackdowns increased by 0.9%.
In addition, crackdowns on two-wheeled vehicles and PMs (personal mobility devices) were also conducted in parallel, and two-wheeled vehicle accidents decreased by 27.2% (298 cases → 217 cases) and PMs decreased by approximately 40% (15 → 9 cases).
In addition, the police announced that they are strengthening the eradication of repeat offenders by seizing vehicles and switching drivers for habitual drunk drivers.
The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency's Traffic Division said, "Drunk driving is a criminal act that causes great harm not only to the driver but also to others, and we will do our best to continuously crack down on drunk driving and conduct promotional activities to establish a safe traffic culture in Busan." <저작권자 ⓒ 부산브레이크뉴스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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